Some of my thoughts

Some of my thoughts

So how to even begin. I lay here in bed thinking about the state of my country. It seems so divided. So many people that speak out against the cancel culture get canceled. People lose their jobs or get their reputations destroyed by those that don’t agree with them. So many of these cancellers preach unity and tolerance while at the same time acting intolerantly and divisively towards those that don’t agree with them. Yet they don’t even see or recognize the pure hypocrisy in their words and actions.

I know that not everyone that thinks differently than me believes or acts this way. I have many friends who subscribe to ideologies different than my own, but who are good, decent people and would never treat anyone that way. I am grateful to know them and that gives me hope for the future.

Yet, at the same time it seems we see the U.S. at large showing a dramatic increase in this cancel retaliation for not changing ways of thinking to align with the “woke” culture. It is as if the thought police from George Orwell’s 1984 have materialized into life. For those that think like myself, those who have more conservative viewpoints, an environment of fear has come where we are afraid to publicly say what we really think because we don’t want to have to deal with being publicly shamed, attacked, humiliated, and altogether cancelled.

The way forward right now is to make our voices heard by voting. Please go vote!

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